Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Expense Management of Certify: Really Made Easy

Today, every single country in the world suffers economic problems that makes a lot of companies to close down or declare bankruptcy. Some fails to cope with the great challenge of the business world. One thing that some are neglecting during their business life was the proper expense management systems to be used on their operations. With the current modern world, a lot of systems are introduced and found to be more efficient compared to the previous and traditional practice that some are still using. Do you know that you can easily manage your expenses through your cellphones like iPhone and Blackberry? That is correct and there's a great application that you can use today that you don't need to spend a lot for the system requirement of the software to work on your current accounting and management system. I am referring to the SaaS (Software as a Service) provided by Certify called "expense management software." Certify allows you to easily manage your receipts by allowing you to send and store it anywhere and anytime at your convenience with the use of your cellphones, fax and/or email. This system doesn't require you to acquire new hardware for your servers but only requires an internet connection to utilize it.

The expense report software offered by Certify allows you to easily prepare all of your travel expense reports with simple 3 easy steps. See the following video for the demonstration of the said steps and an overview of the whole system:

Another thing that is great with the system is the flexibility of it to be adjusted according to the existing policies of the company. In this way, you don't need to modify your existing one. If you want to have a full detail of the system, you can try their 30-day free trial at http://www.certify.com/. By the way, they offer two types of expense management software depending on the size and purpose of the system. One is for individual needs or personal expenses, Certify Personal is the right for you but for full version, Certify Corporate is well suited to your business organization.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Are All Set to Bora

Yey! All are set for our Boracay adventure this coming April 30. As I have mentioned on my previous post about our plans (Vacation in Boracay), the plans were decided by the group to pursue. That is why I need to prepare my things I need to bring during the said three days (only) adventures. That's right 3 days only, from Thursday (30) to Saturday (May 2). Do you know why we we did not include Sunday as part of our plans? Well, I said to my collegues that Sunday which is May 3 is the day of the Pacquiao vs Hatton match and I really don't want to miss this date. I don't like to divide my attention into two different lovely happenings that I will possible experience. That's why I am making sure that I will go home by that date.

Now, prior to going to the said paradise island, I need to finish all of my reports for the end of the month. I also need to optimize a little of my eriuqs spires healthy recreation entry for a certain search engine competition. Well with regards to the other entry, specifically for the "sulumits retsambew", well there is still enough time to pay attention on this one so I don't need to give a time for it, not yet. Oh well, got to buy my new shorts and "swimming gear" for our Bora affair so got to guys!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Vacation in Boracay Island

eriuqs spires healthy recreation in boracay islandIts about time that I take a summer vacation. This coming end of the month (April 31), my colleagues plan to go to Boracay Island to have our annual vacation escapade. Well, I need the rest and the paradise place of the said island is beneficial to my overall make-up. Everybody does need some time to rest so that our composure will be maintained in tact and our mind will find some time to cure itself from the hazardous activities caused by the life's work. That is why I mentioned on my previous post regarding healthy recreation (story: eriuqs spires healthy recreation) that I will change my lifestyle and choose some hobbies or amusements that will bring a healthy body and mind. I need to be sound both on mind and body because my work requires it.

My overall performance on my work is based on how my body and mind can handle the tasks assigned to me. If I am not physically, mentally and even emotionally healthy. It will be very difficult for me to face every challenges I have. Well, everyone should be aware that it is important that you give yourself time to enjoy not because for the mere entertainment or amusements but to give yourself time to ventilate and bring out the negative ions that the works, jobs and projects that it brings. Live life and be happy always, that's always the simple key to a very enjoying life! Have fun guys.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Eriuqs Spires Healthy Recreation by Digital Frenzied

Every person is different from other person. Even in preferences in hobbies or recreational activities, people have different interests. This post will discuss about a series of eriuqs spires healthy recreation, its definition and detailed relation with my personal amusements, plain leisure and health involving the real estate The Spires located at Red Lodge, Montana.

eriuqs spires healthy recreationEriuqs spires healthy recreation is a series of activities recommended by Heart Rate Watch Company and Spires at Red Lodge that is composed of different tasks that involves physical effort to perform on the place called "The Spires" at Montana. The purpose of the said recreation is not only for pure amusements or mere fun but also focus on the overall healthy features of the individual that is part of it. Some of the said tasks recommended by Eriuqs was mountain biking, fishing and skiing in Red Lodge, Montana's real estate called "The Spires". I usually just want to play chess in silent environment like those as shown on the picture but this only cost me to exercise the upper part of my overall being (specifically the brain part). That's why now, I am considering to follow every steps mentioned on the said recreational program.

Well, I think its about time for me to be concerned with my overall health and try to perform different healthy recreation in "The Spires" on Eriuqs style. I think I need this and I am taking this seriously right now.

Eriuqs Spires Healthy Recreation 2009.

Caregivers that Really Cares

Caregivers from PHCSIAre you looking for someone or an institution that will really take good care of your loved ones in replace of your absence? There's a professional health care organization that provides this kind of service in wide area of Orange County and vast areas of the state of California. This Orange caregivers from Professional Health Care Services, Inc. (PHCSI) are well trained and motivated by passion to take good care of those people who need a special care. What is wonderful about the institution is that you are allowed to select your preferred caregiver's qualifications, skills and other aspects of the person. In this way, clients of PHCSI are given a chance to know more closer and better about the person that will handle his elders.

Some of the services that this caregivers can provide are
  • Companionship
  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Errands and shopping
  • Grooming and dressing guidance
  • Other Health Care (In-Home or not) services which you can read in detail at http://www.phcsicare.com/services.php
Aside from Orange County, Corona Del Mar caregivers are also known to have the dedication that you can really rely on. If you need their care services or you want to know more about them, just visit their website at http://www.phcsicare.com or contact them on their telephone number at +17145457268.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Real Estate to Invest in Maine

There is a real estate in Maine, USA where you can live in luxurious life and at the same time closer to nature's best features. I am referring to the Casco Bay property named Cornfield Point which is found at the heart of the said place. This waterfront property is one of the best real estate a home buyer should invest to. Why? The following are the reasons why:

  • 4.4 acres of waterfront living
  • Deep water dock access with fresh water, electric and cable TV connections
  • Over 7,000 sq. feet of living space on two floors
  • Five bedroom suites
  • Five delux bathrooms
  • Main kitchen, baking kitchen and catering kitchen
  • Home entertainment system including 61" flat panel HDTV with built in sound system
Aside from this features, the owner of the property makes sure that the designs are carefully crafted in a way that it shows a fine craftsmanship as you can witness on the furniture and fixtures of the house.

If you want to know more about the highlights of the said property, you can visit their website at http://www.cornfieldpoint.com or contact the owner to schedule an onsite visit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mealworms as Feeds and Food

Mealworm with a scientific name Tenebrio molitor L is the common feed given to different exotic pets like lizards, scorpions, frogs, salamander, arowana and others. The live larva of mealworms serves as a natural food for these animals. This food given to these pets contains a high protein content or about 58% of the total composition of the larva plus other minerals such as phosphorus, iron, kalium, natrium, calcium and other elements that are vital to the growth of these pets. Besides these uses of mealworms to animals, dried mealworms are processed and can be used as a great source of protein additive to be used as part of the nutritional diet of human. Some common food that can be a by product from this raw materials are noodles, bread and other condiments.

These mealworms are raised by different breeding farm in the world. One company that breeds and can produce about 50 tons of mealworms per month and can provide almost 200 tons of dried mealworms to different part of the world is the Haocheng Mealworm Inc. Their several years of expertise and experience in the field of raising mealworms makes them a great source of this raw materials that anyone can use for whatever they purpose that requires protein nutrition or feeds for their pets. If you want to read in detail on how they raise mealworms, you can visit their Haoceng Mealworm, Inc. website at http://www.hcmealworm.com/.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Online Expense Management

Expense management is vital in an organization to become successful with its undertaking. Any businesses understand this and the two qualities that they are looking for their system are speed accessibility and accuracy. There's an online portal today that is currently popular for providing this kind of cutting edge system in the field of online expense solution. I am referring to the company in Portland USA called "Certify." Certify's expense management software makes a convenient method for companies (small to mid size one) to easily manage their travel and business expenses. One of their feature is the virtual wallet where the employees are allowed to store and retrieve their receipts any where and any time.

How they perform this? With the availability of internet everywhere and the wondrous technology of smartphones like iPhone and Blackberry, employees can now send any receipts through their phones, fax or as attachment in an email. These data are stored in the Certify's data center thus cutting your expenses because you don't need any data server to make use of their system. Aside from that, the expense software provided by Certify gives you only 3 easy steps to prepare an expense report for submission, approval and reimbursement.

If you want to know more about this online expense management, you could visit their site at http://www.certify.com. They also have a 30-day free tial of the system so that you will have an overview on what you can get from the subscription that you will possibly place on their service. The following is a video from Youtube that contains the overview of their system:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Home Rugs Comparison List

Currently, I am renovating our house and one thing that I like to change is the flooring. Make some great improvement on it. I might use tiles to cover it but still rugs and carpets are my preferred materials to use to protect the flourished floors. Natural area rugs are the number one in my list to use for my house. I like natural or organic materials because I believe that these materials can cause no harm to the environment which I am always concerned and believe that we should do something. Now, I gather several qualities, characteristics and other things to know about different types of natural home rugs from to compare each type to each other. I will discuss each so that readers who are interested in buying them will have an idea on what to consider or to prefer later.

Here's the list, I will start with the first three natural rugs I am considering right now at home:

1. Sisal rugs - This is always on my number one list. It is simply because I personally like the materials used for it. Its highly durable, sound absorbing, flame resistant and don't forget about its premium and stylish weave. Aside from that its very affordable and earth friendly.

2. Seagrass rugs or Mountain Grass rugs - This is one of my natural rugs that are considered to possessed both economy and quality. Economy and quality in a sense that it is both affordable and at the same time possesses a stylish appearance with great durability. It is usually use in highly traffic area of the house or offices because of its resilience, stain resistance and long wearing.

3. Jute rugs or Accent Rugs - Known to have a great appeal for designers and home decorators because of its tone style and decorative colors. These natural rugs are best for those who look for both appeal and comfort.

This is just the first three of the rugs that I am considering to use. Actually there's a lot of style and I think one post on this blog is not enough for me to explain each so I will just discuss the remaining items on my next issue.

Pacquiao vs Hatton Craze

Pacquiao vs Hatton match - East versus West, is all over the news and spreading on different blogs world wide. I am one of those boxing fanatics who just can't help our self but watch this so called fight of east and west for a boxing belt. Who will be the best pound for pound fighter of all time? Will Manny Pacquiao still reign and continue his winning streak against different legendary fighters of all time. Will the young Ricky Hatton beat the crap out of the People Champ? 

These are some of the questions that are raised in different blogs today about this match. Freddie Roach is saying that Pacman will definitely hit the Hitman hard during the fight and will definitely knock the English man down on his knees. But of course, Floyd May Weather Sr. would not permit this trash talk and said that they will definitely give the Pacman something he will never forget, a fight that will make him sleep. Who of this two contenders will prove themselves?

Now, where you will watch this fight? Will you buy a ticket or pay on PPV or just the replayed one? Me, I will still stay on my PC and will try to look for an online streaming to watch Pacquiao vs Hatton online or maybe just wait for the delayed telecast or just listen to the radio coverage. How about you where are you this May 3, 2009? 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Website for Filipino Music Lovers

I found this website today called PinoyGigs.com where you can find different schedules of upcoming concerts and events of different Filipino artists from different part of the world, from US, Canada, Dubai, Philippines and other countries. On this website, you will never be late with the latest schedules where you can hop in enjoy your evening or day-off. You will never want this website to be missed as in its information are categorize in different countries .

Now if you are an organizer or event planner or a band who have a "gig" on the following months or days, you can quickly post your events or upcoming gigs for free. That's right, they are not asking for anything in return but you can promote your big events without any fee. Filipinos - OFW, tourists or residents from different part of the world can freely search for your events. Causing a maximum exposure for your upcoming events.

For more information about the feature of the site, you can visit them at http://www.pinoygigs.com or if you love participating and commenting in some issues and news, you can visit PinoyGig's Official blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jumping in Joy: I am PR3

Whoah, guys did you feel it, tha changes this April 2009? PR or commonly known as PageRank just updated and this blog: Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009, gained a big PR3. For those who are not familiar with the term, PageRank is a way of measurement of Google to tag websites for its importance over the search result pages. Its measurement is from 0 to 10, where zero is the least important value while ten is the highest importance a site can gain. So if you have a higher PR the more valuable your site is. Now, you may asked how would you gain a higher value. Actually the algorithm that is used by this seach engine in computing this value is hidden in the eyes of the public. Back in the days, the said algorithm was revealed however some misused this algorithm and abused the power that they've gained from this.

For myself, I uses a simple formula to gain a high PR of my site. See the formula below:

Gaining PR = Quality Unique Contents plus Lot of Backlinks less Outbound Links

Where, quality unique contents refers to a original and non-duplicate contents or non-copy and paste contents. Quality can also be gained by utilizing different medium in your contents such as video and images or pictures other than text. Actually a friend of mine just gained PR4 because of his really "unique" and out of this world content. Lot of backlinks or inbound links on the other hand refers to external/internal pages linking to your targetted site. This can be gained by directory submissions, social bookmarking, blog commenting and exchange links. Outbound link refers to links that are getting out of your site. It should be minimized because too much of this weakens the PR strength of your site for its power is distributed in each external websites. This is the formula that I always used in any engangement I am encountering involving websites or blogs, static or dynamic.

Every individual has its own preferences and in the Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 event, entrants surely uses their own formula or the same as mine but in different perspective.