Sunday, February 27, 2011
[27.02.11] Ricky's Birthday

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Crazy Last Friday of February 2011 with Supernatural, Smallville and Spartacus

Its weekend again and for the last Friday of the month of February, its quite a crazy day for everyone. It will be a wacky episode for Smallville season 10 episode 15 - Fortune as Lois, Clark, Chloe and Oliver got drunk with the magical champagne by Zattana and you'll see here as this superhero guys get wasted and forget about this crazy night.
Now for the Winchester brothers on Supernatural season 6 episode 15 - The French Mistake, it will be war and a jump to the parallel universe as Sam and Dean was thrown to a different world where they are what they are really (kinda confusing huh?!) I mean they've been sent by Balthazar to a parallel universe where they are playing as actors Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles. I don't know how these guys will move this way as they meet the actor behind Castiel and Ruby.
Meanwhile, at 10pm eastern time, the finale of the late night classic action mini series Spartacus: Gods of the Arena episode 6 will be airing. The Bitter End is the last episode's title and will trigger to the last battle in the old arena and an opening of a new era of blood and sand. Watch it out on Friday but I don't know if you can take the violence. Some can't!
How about you what you'll gonna do this Friday? Me, I'll just stay and check out these 3 series.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Random video : TEEN TOP - Angel live
110208 TEEN TOP - Angel live (PKL's starry night)
[TEASER] Ronin Pop - ZE:A Kevin
[23.02.11] Kevin Kim's Birthday

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Fan Fiction : Teen Top's Chunji & L.Joe first Double Date (END)
L.Joe : "Should we ride this?"
So there they go, L.Joe helped his girlfriend to get on the bike. He chuckled as his lover tried to adjust her seat on the bad-idea-thing as his girlfriend think of.
L.Joe : "Hold me tight." He said while staring at Eun Mi.
L.Joe and his beloved girl are heading to a very "special" place and his girl has no idea where are they heading to. Her heart is beating really fast as she didn't knows what is awaiting her. There are so many possibilities in her mind and she just couldn't stop thinking about it.
Eun Mi : *I wonder where are we heading to now? (?_?) Is L.Joe sending me back home already? (T^T) Is our night going to end just like this after the small chaos?* She sighed.
L.Joe noticed his girl's sigh, he then hold his girl's hand for a few seconds while riding the bike. Eun Mi held him tightly and leaned her face at L.Joe's back.
Eun Mi : "What are you doing?" @_@
L.Joe : "Eh, no problem." *Phewww* "Aegi ahh, if you could make wish upon a star, what would you ask?"
L.Joe : "Aegi's first love?"
Eun Mi tried to hide her victory smirked.
L.Joe : "What?" He slowly titled his head above.
Eun Mi : "Aigoo oppa, I was just joking. :D Of course I only want to marry you and you ARE my first love literally." She smiled.
L.Joe : "How could you make joke on this? You made me scared to death, you know?!" He raised his voice.
Eun Mi : [startled] "S-sorry, I'm sorry." [snob] "I didn't know you would be this mad." She lowered her head to face the ground.
L.Joe : [smirked evilly] *Sorry baby, but it's my time now. Hehe.*
L.Joe : "I am sorry, baby. I didn't mean to raise my voice just now and got all mad. I guess we are even now right, You got me and yeah I got you back" He laughed.
Eun Mi : [still blushing] "I really thought you were mad at me."
L.Joe : "No way. How could I get angry on my little angel right here. That's just impossible. I would have lost my breath if I ever treat you that way. You know right, you are the reason why do I still have faith in love and to live on now." He smiled sweetly.
Eun Mi felt her cheek has grew pinkier but she's smiling by the words. L.Joe slowly dugged into his pocket and pulled out a soft pink tiny box. It's a necklace, with Eun Mi and L.Joe's name on it. In the middle of it, there's a love sign in diamond.
L.Joe was so happy/hyper that he got the answer which he wanted to hear. He quickly hold Eun Mi's shoulder and brought her closer to meet his chest. oh chest? O(≧∇≦)O
Ha Neul : "Me too."
Chunji : "Are you happy chajgi ah?" [anticipated look]
Ha Neul : "Well, how to say this."
Chunji : "Your'e not?"
Ha Neul : [smiled] "Of course I am. In fact, happy itself does not really describe my feeling. This whole night was just overwhelming for me." She smiled again.
Chunji : [sighed in relief] "I am glad to hear that, after all that chaos, I started to think that you might not enjoy this whole night." [sad face]
Ha Neul : "Why wouldn't I ? Everything about tonight is just perfect. Flawless. And it's you that make all this happened. So thank you, sweetheart." (:
Ha Neul :*Hmmm, not that easy baby.* She grinned.
Chunji ready to lean in when the girl just got up from her seat and running like a child. She laughed as she saw her lover merely realized that she's not at the bench, sitting anymore.
Chunji : "Yahh chajgi. Now what? Do you want to play hide and seek?"
Ha Neul : "Since you suggest it, why don't we play along?" She shouted from far.
Chunji : "You wish for it. You know I am kind of like a genius in this finding hiding people. Wait for me." He smirked.
Ha Neul : "Okay, let see. If I win, I want a piggy ride from you."
Chunji : "Deal. And if I win..." *Lol of course I will win* "I want to continue the thing which we are supposed to do just now~" He grinned.
Ha Neul : "Okay! Start to count now." :D
Chunji : "10..9..8......5...3..2..1! Chajgi ah, I am coming now!" He started to run.
Ha Neul hid under a huge tree.
Chunji kept on searching all over the park, he ran to the right side and even checked in the bushes but failed to find his lover.
But.... no answer. His heartbeat pounding faster. He almost got his eyes teary. He shouted again...
Ha Neul : [smile] "I am okay, why are you so worried?"
Ha Neul :*Aww isn't he is just cute?♥* "I am here now, right? so you shouldn't have worried anymore. Anyway, I supposed that you have lost to this game." She laughed amusingly.
Chunji : "I just did. Well now, get on my back."
Ha Neul : "Huh?" @_@
Ha Neul happily got on his oh~ so slim boyfriend's back and hold on his shoulder.
Ha Neul nodded in agreement.
Chunji : "Let's go!"
Ha Neul : "Oppa~" She called him in her sweet childish voice.
Chunji : "Hmm?" He turned his face to the right side to face his girl. He gulped as soon as he realize his girlfriend lips are on his. He couldn't help but to smile in the kiss.
Fan Fiction : Teen Top's Chunji & L.Joe first Double Date (Part 3)
Chunji and Haneul turned their head to the direction of the voice and they saw a few guys were standing and staring at them as if they have never seen a couple dating.
Chunji : *Damn! Not these guys please.*
It turned out to be that those guys were the guys who had always bully Chunji during middle school and they expected that chunji is still the same weak boy but na'ah, he's totally different now indeed you can say that he is a real man for his girl. ;)
GD : "Chajgi?! Buahahahaaha! xD Did you guys hear what I just heard?"
T.O.P : "Like duh~ that is soooooo..."
GD+T.O.P+Taeyang : "LAME! Hahahahahahahah!"
Chunji : "Haneul, get back."
GD : "Now what? You wanna be a hero in front of your....girlfriend? Wait a minute..Chunji finally has a girlfriend..!"
T.O.P + Taeyang : [laughing in a sarcastic way]
Haneul : "Chunji oppa..what's all these?"
Chunji : "Haneul..you trust me right?"
Haneul : "Hmm." She nodded.
T.O.P : "Aaaaawwww...that's so sweet." He pulled Haneul as a way to threat chunji.
Chunji : "You know what dude?" He pulled T.O.P's shirt. "You just did the biggest mistake in your life!" He did his best flying kick ever.
Haneul : "Omo! Chunji oppa!" *Gosh, he looks so cool! Never knew he could do that!* xD
T.O.P : [wipe the blood at his mouth] "Tsch, do u think u can win on me? Keep on dreaming dude."
Chunji : [killer stare to the 3 guys] "Owh yeah baby, 3 on 1 fights are NOTHING to me."
Chunji has prepared himself for almost two years to win on these boys and now is SHOWTIME. Furthermore, the person he loves the most is right next to him and that makes him stronger. :)
Eunmi : "Oppa..why are they looking at us like that? " She felt uncomfortabe for the fact that they were actually three people who were staring at them.
L.Joe : [turned his head to look at them] *OH! SNAP! THOSE GURLS?! DAMN IT! THIS IS DISASTER!*
Eunmi : [looked at him and totally fall for his smile] "Ahhh..maybe you are right."
Those 3 people approached them and one of the girl is actually L.joe's ex-girlfriend. They had a big fight which led them to break up. The girl who is at fault of the fight kept on blaming L.joe which makes him felt so sick of her! He used to love her so much but because of her bad behaviour, L.Joe tried his best to get over her. It took him months and months to do it but with the help of his latest loved one , he finally can get over it. He now is starting a whole new life with a whole new and better girl. :)
Jessica : "Yah L.Joe! Have you forgotten me?" She smirked.
L.Joe : *Damn it!*
The girls make their way out of the ice cream shop and L.Joe partially followed them from the back. Before that, he gave a peck on Eunmi's forehead and smile.
Those three girls who saw the little action made the 'eww' face especially Jessica. She felt mad since L.Joe is being so romantic with that, oh she hate that girl for taking L.Joe from her.
At the same time, at the park, those three like gangsters still enjoyed their time on Chunji and his girl. T.O.P and Taeyang came closer to Chunji. Chunji hold his breath. He must fight. Not for himself but for his lover. Yes, he couldn't let her hurt no matter what happens.
Chunji : [scream out LOUD] "NOOO! Don't touch her! Let her go!"
GD took this chance to land his hand on Chunji's girl's cheek. OH MY, no no only Chunji is allowed to do so. Chunji who witnessed those action suddenly have this spirit to pushed away those two big muscular arms whose holding on him.
GD : *Where the hell did this skinny kid get those strength from?*
Cap : "Yahh, you don't need to be so harsh isn't it? Come on~ three on one? Tsch, do you really call yourself a man?"
C.A.P : "Yah! These bunch of kids really have nothing to do. Why don't you guys just go home before your MAMA CALL." He smirked and let go of GD's collar harshly.
In a second, Chunji's fist is directly on T.O.P's face which even causes his nose to bleed and T.O.P fell down backwards.
Jessica was trying his best to be all innocent in front of L.Joe because she thinks that L.Joe can easily fall for that kind of girl but this time she was wrong.
Jessica : [pulled L.Joe's hand innocently] "Oppa, there's still a chance for us right? And I know that no one could love you more than I do." She said it while she's acting on her so called innocent looks.
L.Joe walked away to the direction of the girl he loves and Jessica was totally dissatisfied with what she had just heard. Right now at this moment, she is planning something evil in order to break the couple apart because for her..it's either L.Joe is hers or no one can be with him.
The night grows darker. A bunch of incident happened, the good and not to mention the awful one. But both of the tough guys still want to make this special night to be the unforgettable one for them and their loves one(:
After leaving the three girls, L.Joe made his way to the coffee shop again. He left the dissatisfied creatures behind him and he slightly ran to get his lover. He didn't even care what is going to happen next. All he knows is, he wants tonight to be perfect, as perfect as he planned and imagined earlier. He doesn't wants a single piece of obstacle get on his way, Not tonight..
Eun Mi who was kind of bored waiting, nonchalantly enjoyed her ice cream.
While at the park, the three of them who had witnessed the fight that couldn't be any funnier, the three human being were left blinking like they have been attacked by an eyes disease. They stared at each other for awhile and burst out laughing. Hehe.
C.A.P : "So this is the girl you were talking about eh, Chunji?" He smirked. "Your lover ?" [teasing face]