Now, how will you do this with your Blogger or Wordpress blogs? It is simple, just sign-up for an account in Feedburner (thru feedburner.google.com) then submit your feeds. What is the URL or the address of your feeds? Here's an example: this Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 blog's URL or address is http://digitalfrenzied.blogspot.com. Its feed URL can be found at the bottom of the page right after the Subscribe to with an anchor / link text of Posts (Atom). Atom refers to one format of feeds which is the common format of Blogger blogs. Other blogging platforms uses RSS (Rich Site Summary), RSS 2.0 (Really Simple Syndication 2.0) and RDF (RDF Site Summary). This web feed formats are all in standardized XML file format. For Wordpress blogs, the feed address is usually in this format: http://yourblog.wordpress.com/feed/. Once your feeds are submitted to Feedburner, you can then monitor how many people subscribe or reads your feeds. At the same time, you can setup it to allow users to receive recently posted article through their emails which is proven to provide great traffics for the site.
What are you waiting for? Burn those feeds so that your words will be scattered all through out the different corners of the world, from PCs to cellphones. By the way the official logo of RSS 2.0 feeds is the icon that shown on this post (without the Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 text of course.)
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