Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 members, participants and enthusiasts, today I will discuss about things that will change your life forever. I will discuss today the different methods how to earn from simply blogging. One reason why blogging became popular around cyberspace is because of its lucrative characteristics. That's right a lot of people, gramatically gifted or not were lured to create their blogs merely for the purpose of earning from it. Now, what are the different avenues or methods these bloggers are earning from their blogs. The following are the common methods bloggers are earning from their craft:

- Blog reviews or posting. This is the first thing I've started making money online from merely blogging. The problem with this is Google really hates this type of method for the reason that according to them it hurts the "natural ecology" of the world wide web. That's why when SEs found out that you are doing such, they are penalizing your site. Later, I will discuss in detail how search engines are penalizing blogs or websites.
- Ads. This is another method that is really attractive when in terms of payment and earning. Some have hundreds of blogs maintained and earning a thousands or more dollars a month. Some common advertising means are through Google Adsense, which is highly utilized by bloggers all over the world, Adbrite, Projectwonderful, Nuffnang and others. However, this earning method requires traffic to be generated to realize the result. So it means that you need to promote your blogs more than what you are doing normally. Actually a friend of mine who participated the Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 event, stop from joining because he started to earn bigger than what he can get from the event which is a practical decision.
These are just two methods and will try to continue more of it on my next post.
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