People don’t understand how important this is in any circumstance you’re in. How many times have you been in a situation where people automatically want to deem your opinion as valid just because of your age? We all know that age can go hand in hand with experience but at the same time there are old people that are naive and young people that know much beyond their years.
Personally, I' am 18 and was holding down a full time job, going to school, playing basketball for my school and still managed time to chill wit the people that i wanted to. Meanwhile, how many of us know people older than us that are doing absolutely nothing with their lives?
People have no idea what situations others have been in or if they may have been forced to grow up faster than may have had to. Age doesn’t really count for anything but experience does.
Take advice from someone with more experience then you… regardless of Age
Edited By @JohnnyMagma
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