Monday, November 15, 2010

A Letter to Haters

By: @butterfliesblue
Dear Haters,
You are as fake as your lack of an attempt to get to know the one that you hate on. Your assumptions have already spoken volumes about you, and the person that you hate on is already better than you. The same ones that you talk about others to will talk about you too, but you're too caught up in your judgments to see that. You subliminally call out people and talk behind their backs because you are a coward. Your words only strengthen the one that you can't stand because your negativity only encourages them. The fact that you'd rather listen to word of mouth instead of going to the source says a lot about your maturity, or in this case your lack thereof. The more you hate on someone the more you choose your fate because God will make you out to be a footstool so I hope you're ready to bear that weight. Now you can either heed to the warning like the smart person that you portray yourself to be, or you could continue to be your own downfall. Either way it's your choice, but don't be surprised when your face hits the floor.
                                   Your Obsession

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