Sunday, April 3, 2011

[31.03.11] Daniel's Birthday

Happy belated birthday Daniel oppa~
Mianhe, I didn't wish you on your birthday for some reasons..haih.. (>_<)
but hey, it's still not too late to wish you right? :)
anyway, hope Dalmatian will be known world wide one day \(^0^)/
and that's when I will proudly tell the whole world that
I'm a Dalmate since the very beginning of Dalmatian's journey as a singer
and hell yeah~
they deserve to be way more than famous because you guys know what~
they are such a very very very talented singers/rappers/dancers =)
and of course my favourite members out of the six hotties is DANIEL CHAE ♥ :)

you guys should check out their songs~
I'm telling you, all their songs are very addictive!
once you have heard it, you just wanna keep on replaying it xD

p/s : my fav songs are Lover cops & Really really :)

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