Friday, April 29, 2011

ZE:A’s Junyoung shows proof of recovery

ZE:A’s leader Moon Junyoung has revealed himself to the public for the first time since injuring his eye.

On the 29th, ZE:A member Hwang Kwang Hee tweeted a group picture with the message, “Ta Da~!! ZE:A is at Japan’s Girls Award~~ Joon Young is all better now so he also came with us~! We’ll be better at Asia Tour on May 4th!!! Come watch~!”

In the picture, the ZE:A members are smiling at the camera. Leader Junyoung, who took a temporary break due to eye injury, is hiding his one eye under bang.

Netizens are commenting, “I’m so glad you are better now~,” “Are you still recovering?” “Looks like you aren’t all that well yet. I hope for fast recovery!”

Junyoung went under surgery last month after hitting his face on the sink when he slipped and fell while taking shower at the group’s dorm.

Credits : Allkpop

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