1. TEENTOP to me is { Beginning }
2. TEENTOP's chrisma is { C.A.P }
3. I want to tell { Ricky } to { Don't get into anymore troubles }
4. Use a word to describe other members characteristic { Niel's lips is sexy~ }
5. Childhood Dream is { Rapper }
6. Love Experience { 0 } times, ideal type is { girls that has personality }
7. Once got scared by { L.JOE }'s { personal behavior }
8. I am very envious of { Niel }, cause of { his attractive vocal }
9. I think that from my appearance, my { jawline } is the most handsome one
10. Once I become an adult, I would like to { drive car }
1. TEENTOP to me is { brothers }
2. TEENTOP's chrisma is { CHUNJI }
3. I want to tell { Ricky } to { STOP GETTING INTO TROUBLES }
4. Use a word to describe other members characteristic { x }
5. Childhood Dream is { SINGER }
6. Love Experience { 0 } times, ideal type is { Big Big eyes, Long and black hair girls }
7. Once got scared by { x }'s { x }
8. I am very envious of { Niel }, cause of { his special voice }
9. I think that from my appearance, my { eyes and nose } is the most handsome one
10. Once I become an adult, I would like to { goes to club 1 time }
L.Joe :
1. TEENTOP to me is { Big Tree }
2. TEENTOP's chrisma is { L.JOE }
3. I want to tell { Ricky } to { Be more obedient, don't get into anymore troubles }
4. Use a word to describe other members characteristic { Niel's lips is sexy~ }
5. Childhood Dream is { Doctor }
6. Love Experience { 0 } times, ideal type is { Active/lively girl }
7. Once got scared by { C.A.P }'s { Face }
8. I am very envious of { C.A.P }, cause of { his perfect body }
9. I think that from my appearance, my { eye-shaped } is the most handsome one
10. Once I become an adult, I would like to { learn from daddy how to drink }
Niel :
1. TEENTOP to me is { oxygen }
2. TEENTOP's chrisma is { the really, very handsome Niel ( from the bottom of his heart) }
3. I want to tell { Chunji Hyung } that { His face is really too small, please grow more bigger }
4. Use a word to describe other members characteristic { innocence }
5. Childhood Dream is { soccer player }
6. Love Experience { 0 } times, ideal type is { pretty girls that has eyes which smile}
7. Once got scared by { x }'s { x }
8. I am very envious of { Chunji hyung }, cause of { he knows how to create surprise }
9. I think that from my appearance, my { lips } is the most handsome one
10. Once I become an adult, I would like to { fall in love }
1. TEENTOP to me is { like family existence }
2. TEENTOP's chrisma is { Different on stage and during normal lifes }
3. I want to tell { Niel Hyung } to { be more serious }
4. Use a word to describe other members characteristic { always been lively }
5. Childhood Dream is { Actor, but after cameo-ing seotaiji sunbae's MV became a singer }
6. Love Experience { 0 } times, ideal type is { girls whose can do aegyo very much and can communicate with me well }
7. Once got scared by { C.A.P }'s { cool action }
8. I am very envious of { L.JOE }, cause of { his english is good }
9. I think that from my appearance, my { Eyes, ears, nose, mouth and eyebrows } is the most handsome one
10. Once I become an adult, I would like to { watch movies that is rated NC18 or get a driving liscense }
1. TEENTOP to me is { 2nd Family }
2. TEENTOP's chrisma is { Dancing Boy Changjo }
3. I want to tell { Teen Top } that { Let us be more closer than now, and become like ShinHwa sunbaes the most best group }
4. Use a word to describe other members characteristic { x }
5. Childhood Dream is { police }
6. Love Experience { 0 } times, ideal type is { have own character, cute and does aegyo girls}
7. Once got scared by { L.Joe }'s { flying kick when sleeping}
8. I am very envious of { Niel }, cause of { his sweet voice }
9. I think that from my appearance, my { smiling eyes } is the most handsome one
10. Once I become an adult, I would like to { travel with friends }
Credits :
twitter.com/ricky_facts :
That's all taken from TEENTOP interview in COOL MUSIC August Edition and translated by Jmystyl3@6TEENSONTOP
aaawwwwww~ L.Joe and I have the same childhood dream :)
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