Friday, May 27, 2011

Why we listen to what we listen to.....

Here's why we listen to what we listen to lately:

6a-8a Dennis and Callahan (WEEI)
There's no better way to get a grasp on the tone and tenor of the day. No, I'm not just talking about sports, but politics, pop culture and more and done in a way that's sophomoric.

8a-10a Mike and Mike (ESPN)
Great guests, info and more! The knock on them is that what you hear at 6am, you hear again at 8am, hence why we only listen for a short time.

10a-12p Dan Patrick (Fox)
The BEST show on the air today, hands down! Awesome guests in which Dan shines as the best interviewer on radio, tremendous chemistry and comedy with the "Dan-ettes" and someone who's comfortable to be good, entertaining and self-depricating if neeed be.

12p-3p Jim Rome (Fox)
Van Smack Rules. Need I say more?

3p-5p Mike Francesca (WFAN)
For us here at TCN, it's a good barometer for not only NY sports, but national too. Can be a bit bombastic at times, but quality stuff nonetheless.

5p-6p Felger and Massarotti (Sports Hub)
Since WEEI ruined what was becoming a very good Big Show with Ordway and Holley with Mike Adams, I'm now forced to slide over to Felger and Maz on the way home. You get the recap in the final hour (when I'm not on the Whiner Line on WEEI), so no need to hear Felger get repetitive and contrarian for the whole show when you don't have to, right?!

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