Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anne Hathaway in a Purr-fect Role as Catwoman

Anne HathawayAnne Hathaway has a new gig as Selina Kyle! Remember her? She’s the woman who became Catwoman in Batman. Anne will be portraying the same role in “The Dark Knight Rises” flick to be directed by Christopher Nolan. 

Anne will be starring alongside Christian Bale who will be the great Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman. I think would look great in the cat suit don’t you? But aside from just looking great, I’m sure Anne will be purr-fect and will portray the role well. With her acting skills and achievement, we only expect the best!
Anyway Direcot Nolan is very to be able to get Anne for the role. He said, “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway. Who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete out story.”
Other stars included in “The Dark Knight Rises” are Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, and Michael Cane. However, the roster is still not complete but you can expect a huge stars lineup!

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