Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Age Aint Nothing But A Number?

By: @bonjourvernee

Everyone has heard the timeless saying "Age is nothing but a number" But in today's society what does age actually determine? The reality of things is age determines more than we realize. When's the last time you've seen a twelve year old hanging out with a group of eighteen year olds? I assure you it's very rare. In all actuality age determines who we befriend, who we date, even activities we can partake in. Many fail to realize that once you are in a particular age group you're expected to act a certain way and behave differently. But who determines when someone is too old or too young to partake in such activities, say certain things, or even wear certain clothes? Who deems them age prohibited and what gives them that power?

Not only does society determine things for you by age, they deem if you’re:  intelligent, naïve, or just plain immature based on your age. Once you hit a certain age milestone society automatically expects you to maintain a certain mind frame and process things mentally unlike others that are younger than you and unlike the way you may previously have thought. And what happens when you don't process thoughts as well as you should or you can't solve an issue or even control your actions as one would expect of someone of age? Society writes you off and makes judgment with no knowledge of you. So in society what are age's really worth? Are they just a number as everyone says, or are they really the underlying guideline to society?

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