Sunday, January 2, 2011



By: @bonjourvernee

Many fail to realize that trust and forgiveness go hand in hand. What does it take for someone to gain your trust? And what would it take for them to lose all the trust you may have previously instilled in them? When do you forgive and when do you dare not let the person back in your life? A simple slip up, or a large mistake? Would the severity of the action they commit make your feelings differ any or would you merely write them off because a slip up is a slip up ?

I'm sure many can relate to being on one side or the other. How does it feel to be the one who has lost all trust they have in someone, and how does it feel to lose someone's trust? Are there any exceptions for forgiving them or are you merely going to come down with a firm hand and say anything one may do under any circumstance to lose your trust is unacceptable. If you've lost all trust in someone the hardest thing to do is accept them no matter what conditions may be.

Apologies only work to a certain extent and one may not realize that many things just aren't actions you can commit and apologize for. And losing someone's trust isn't much easier when done so all one yearns for is a chance and forgiveness. The question is once that bridge of trust has fallen in any sense of relationship, where is the middle ground? Where do both sides meet? Or is the reality of the situation truthfully, there is not a middle ground?



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