Saturday, January 1, 2011

People vs Animals: Where is the love?

By @ButterfliesBlue

One of the things that does not makes sense are society's priorities. As we can see above, people campaign for animal rights, but wouldn't give an unborn child a chance at life. I do not condone animal cruelty, but a human's life does not get any respect. In some cases a person can get more time for harming an animal then for killing a person whether born or unborn. Let's compare and contrast some facts.
  1. Spaying and neutering pets can help keep the animal population down, but abortion can be harmful for women.

  2. A fertilized egg starts to multiply it's cells within seconds after conception. Organisms are the only things that can have cell replication. 
  3. According to Genesis 1:28, humans have rights to use the earth as needed, and are also commanded to be fruitful and multiply.

I am in no way for animal cruelty because certain actions are just unnecessary. I'm just saying that you should not feel bad for wanting that leather purse, fur coat, or steak cooked well done. One of the plagues of Egypt in Exodus 11 instructed the Jews to kill a lamb. In the New Testament, fish were mentioned to be eaten many times. We should not deprive ourselves of what nature has to offer.

People say that life doesn't begin until birth. If this were truth, then why would prenatal care be important? If you do not want to have kids, but think that you may be pregnant then consider the alternatives. Many people that can not have kids naturally would love to have a child of their own. You never know what good they may bring to the world. It's a sad day when animals get better treatment than humans. Finally, no, abortion is NOT a woman's right to choose because that is not your life that you are ending. You lived yours. Give someone else a chance.

Images from google

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