Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Males In Music: Does Sexual Preference Matter?

by @butterfliesblue


Being a celebrity automatically makes someone a target for scrutiny because people are so quick to judge others. Many people that are judged the most are the ones in the music industry. For some reason, there is an obsession with a person's sexual preference. When it comes to sexual preference, it seems as though male r&b artists can't win for losing. On the other hand, male rappers seem to be thought as an epitome for masculinity.
Many people are so quick to call male R&B artist's gay because of their music. They write music that ladies love, and aren't too afraid to show emotion. Since when is respecting a woman the way a man should supposed to be gay? Male rappers often are looked up to as "masculine" because of the content in their music and videos. A man that's comfortable enough to show emotion is a real man, but being materialistic does not make a man anymore masculine. I thought loving to shop was a female trait anyway. Rappers' lyrics are often full of anger (which may be insecurities), and sexually explicit lyrics (that may be curious). Their videos often promote bisexual activity among women, If a rapper is comfortable enough to promote female on female action, then I think that he may like a little man on man action too. Both are equally disgusting, and preferring one over the other is a sick double standard. They often sag their pants too. How many straight men want another man looking at him in his draws, and call their self pretty?
I'm just saying since people are so quick to judge male R&B artists, put rappers under the same scope. It isn't fair, and it shows immaturity.

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