Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Monkey on Your Back?

By @butterfliesblue
Most people at some time in their life have had a bad habit which may be known as "having a monkey on one's back". This habit could be promiscuous sex, getting back into a bad relationship, smoking, drinking, gossiping, etc. Whatever it is, it's not good for you nor the people that may be involved. The truth is that people don't have bad habits just to have them. There is something so strong that keeps a hold onto that won't let you go. This is not for those that know they have a bad habit. This is for those that want to help get rid of it.
The first step in trying to get rid of a problem is admitting that you have one, You can't get better being in denial. It is important to try to figure out where does it comes from. Here are some examples of problems and possible sources of the problem.
Many people get stuck going back and forth to bad relationships. Are you afraid that you will not find anyone else? Do you not think that you deserve better? People that gossip seem to be seeking attention or acceptance. People that are always suspicious of others may not be able to trust their selves. Whatever the problem that you have, you need to find the source.
The best way of getting rid of any problem is changing your thought pattern. Actions comes from your thoughts so try to either broaden your horizon or spend some alone time doing serious thinking. Once your mind is changed, you won't have the desire to do that action anymore. Be careful with this though, The fact that you may have a problem is a red flag that maybe this can not be solved alone. Try to find someone to talk with unbiased opinions or do some reading on your problem. Whatever it is try not to do it completely alone. Most importantly if you have serious problems and don't want to pay for a Doctor visit, go to If he can't help you, then you're just screwed.

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