Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vintage James Harrison! Rips Goodell, Big Ben and more!

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison is at again in this month's Men's Journal Magazine. Read some of his shots:

On Roger Goodell:
“If that man was on fire and I had to piss to put him out, I wouldn’t do it. I hate him and will never respect him.”

On the Patriots 2004 AFC Championship Win:
“I should have another ring. We were the best team in football in 2004, but the Patriots, who we beat during the regular season, stole our signals and picked up 90 percent of our blitzes [in the AFC title game]. They got busted for it later, but, hey, they’re Goodell’s boys, so he slapped ‘em $500,000 and burned the tapes. Was he going to rescind their Super Bowls? Man, hell no!”

On Ben Roethlisberger's two Super Bowl interceptions vs. Green Bay:

“Hey, at least throw a pick on their side of the field instead of asking the D to bail you out again. Or hand the ball off and stop trying to act like Peyton Manning. You ain’t that and you know it, man; you just get paid like he does.”

On Troy Polamalu:

“He’s the one guy in football I respect absolutely, ‘cause he’s spiritual and lives it like he talks it. You know, he gets more flags than anyone on our team but never gets fined for nothin’. He’s so polite and talks so softly that he could tell he could tell Goodell to kiss his ass, and Goodell would smile and say thank you.”

Plus, he goes on to say that Tedy Bruschi and Rodney Harrison, both former Patriots, are "clowns" for what they say in their roles as NFL analysts.

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