Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy '1000th' visitors ^^

Happy 1000th visitors to my cutie pie bloggy~ ^^
yup~ dreams come true~ =D
I'm so glad that the visitors of my blog from a specific country has reaches 1000 visitors.. (^_^)
I'm so happy that it reaches that huge number of visitors &'s from US...

*but actually.. to be more specific...if I add up all the total visitors from all the countries...
hurrrmmm.. it should be more than 4000 visitors.....yay! hihihi... \(^0^)/

anyway.. thanx a lot ya'll for visiting my blog... :)
so sorry that I couldn't always update my blog
because for the past few weeks....
I were sitting for the trial exam (for a major exam)
& ya guys know what...
my MAJOR exam is coming soon....
which is next month...
goshh..... hopefully I'll get great results.. ^^
hwaiting to myself :)
wish me luck yea~

p/s : I'll try my best to update my blog though ~ ^^

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