This is such a touchy subject but something that could affect someones life so much. Personally, I believe that having abortion being legal is the only logical thing to do. But the problem arises because some people believe that life begins in one of two separate places. One group thinks that life begins when the baby is born into the world. while others believe that life begins when the sperm meets the egg. The way I see it, it really doesnt matter where life begins because of one phrase, “who’s body? who’s choice?” In the 1970’s abortion became legal because women have the right to make decisions about their own reproductive systems.
For those that know their facts, a fetus’ heart begins to pump after about 3 weeks and the brain functions after about a month and a half. 88% of abortions happen in the first trimester should be considered by people who are against it [1]. That means that most of the people having these abortions are people that clearly know they are not ready for that commitment and should be given the option of not having the baby.
We all know that we should be careful when having sex but stuff happens sometimes. I can make these opinions pro-abortion a bit easier just cuz i'm personally not physically the one carrying the baby and having to deal with the emotional stress part of things. But if you take away the option of abortion, tell me which you think is harder, giving up a baby that hasnt been born yet or a baby youve held in your hands and know its yours.
Alot of people say they have to be responsible for their actions but isnt going for abortion being responsible? Aside from the scientific benefits with stem-cell research and all that, we need it for the people that are forced to grow up faster than they would have liked to.
This is me just thinking out-loud.
[1.] http://www.prochoice.org/about_abortion/facts/women_who.html
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