Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Keep A Man

By @Urnotcute

Don't Suffocate Him

When a man feels like he is suffocated that makes him want to go outside to get air so to say. Air represents another woman. If you give him space, he can breath and continue to move forward with you.

Privacy is Key
Some females think its okay to check their man phone since that is who they are with. The problem is if the man feels as if he is always being watched then it may hurt in the communication department. He will start deleting his text/calls and possibly not feel as open to tell you things.

Don't Interrogate, Where Is The Trust?
Alot of females have trust issues because all we are used to is hurt. But not every man's motive is to hurt or cheat. If you accuse your man of cheating. You just broke the trust that he thought you had in him. That hurt him like it would have hurt you if he did cheat.

A man sometimes needs to feel wanted. It's okay to have your guard up because you are afraid of getting hurt but men need attention. If they don't get the attention, love, appreciation they could be getting from you that might cause them to roam elsewhere since it seems as if you don't care.

There are many ways to keep a man but you can't stop someone from leaving if they want to go.

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