When you are in a relationship. In the beginning it may be heavenly. I call it the honeymoon stage. But as time surpasses, that stage wears off. Sometimes, if one of the partners wants a break in the relationship, the other may automatically assume it's over. But the truth is, all good things have to come to an end. Even if it's temporary. If he/she is saying that they want space, they are starting to lose feelings and they want to make sure that they really do want to be in the relationship instead of leading you on. I can say from a females prospective, there does come a point when we need to muster up some courage and just tell whoever we are with whether or not we want to date that person anymore. Waiting around for someone who doesn't want you could hurt even more than the break in the relationship. If it is companionship that's missed, the female is just afraid of change because she's already hurting you by saying this. Don't be overbearing because that leads to feeling overwhelmed.
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
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