Those that are desperate to be in a relationship are scared. They think they cannot make it on their own. Instead of relying on their own intelligence, they rely on their sexuality. Does anyone just date any more without having to sleep with that person? Dating to find the right partner is what it is all about. Not hooking up with every one you meet.
There are many beautiful woman that would love this man. He has chosen the 'bottom of the barrel' road that will, almost certainly, end in disaster. Why would he choose her? In answer to your question; men are taking advantage of the young women that do no have enough self respect, self esteem, or faith in themselves to provide for themselves. So long as young women have no respect for themselves; men will have no respect for women.
The big deal is that until women find a way to value themselves, in a way other than sex, women will never be equal. You have adopted a "manly" point of view. Barely legal women, with no self respect, will continue to allow men to cheat, divorce or ruin any relationship they are in. I don't think sleeping around is the right answer. It only makes us victims. I think we need to educate young women to know they are more important than they ever thought.
It is a big deal! It is about self esteem. If you have none you will never know the joy of love!Desperation cause you to be easily pushed. Women should never be dependent.Woman hold the key to life so why shouldn't you as a woman feel powerful? Its okay to not want to not want to be lonely but it's not cute being desperate. When men know you're easy they use it as an advantage. Stop forgiving unforgivable acts. Stop planning and demand plans. Stop giving your body to every dimpled smile or light eyes. Stop blowing up your significant others phone and wait to be called. Stop catering to so much to the point where you have no time for yourself and be catered to. LOVE is not life its a part of it.
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