News about celebrities being criminally charged on different basis are nothing new or surprising nowadays. It has become small talk that raises a few eyebrows and is dismissed with a shrug. The celebrities involved in these kinds of events go from hardcore repeat offenders like DMX or T.I. to sweethearts like Bruno Mars or Chris Brown. The logical self-imposed question is Why? What makes a person living a life of luxury and comfort everybody dreams about put their lives and careers in danger doing unnecessary illegal things?
So far these questions seem rhetorical because there is no real and fully comprehensive answer. There are, however, several elements that they all have in common that could put some light on the whole mystery.
The first thing we have to keep in mind is that at the end of the day, celebrities are just regular human beings when the spotlights are off. They have their problems, demons from the past and insecurities which come from the high expectations society has from them. But do any of us have to wake up in the morning and see our dirty laundry on front pages of tabloids or on blogs run by random envious people?
The phrase “More money , more problems” sounds absurd to the people living paycheck to paycheck who are burdened by financial challenges every day. Money seems like the magic savior that can make all problems disappear. Before reaching superstar status Celebrities also believed their everyday problems will be neutralized and swept away as their bank account grows. Unfortunately, that bubble bursts as soon as they realize shopping sprees, expensive vacations and the absence of financial problems really don't fill the emotional void, nor do they exorcise the demons from their minds. Once they get to that reality slap they find themselves cornered, They no longer see any way out of their problems since the things they counted on for salvation failed them.
The confusion that celebrities go through in those moment is actually the crucial breaking point where they make the choices that we read and talk about. Some are strong enough to overcome pressure through expressing their fears and doubts in their careers, Some get in touch with their spiritual side, but some take the the less fortunate route while turning to wild parties, drugs, sex & alcohol abuse; possibly even starting “beef” which escalates to violence between them, other celebs and even fans. For Attention they will also get into scandalous love affairs or make any other reckless move to keep themselves in the media but at the same time to keep people from knowing about their real fears and insecurities.
However stressful their lives might be, that still doesn't justify the illegal activities and bad influence they have on their fans (which are mostly easily influence teenagers). That kind of irresponsible behavior is wrong in any shape or form caused by any life circumstance. The money and luxury they have make their actions even more out of place, because regular people go through difficulties every day and they still manage to focus on the positive things in life and continue their struggle.
As big of a cliché as it might be, people need to face the truth… “Money can't buy happiness.” If a person is not morally, intellectually and spiritually rich there is no way the can appreciate material wealth and use it to improve their lives, not to mention the lives of others. Considering the fact that people are entering show business at an extremely young age today, we can only expect this absurd trend to continue. Skipping childhood and being pushed into the grown up world at a tender, immature age increases the chances of the world reading about another celebrity jailbird .
There aren't any changes in sight , so debating this issue too much would probably just be a waste of energy. Hopefully celebrities will at least take the effect their behavior has on their fans into consideration and think before they make irresponsible choices. It would definitely benefit EVERYONE… including themselves.
Edited By: @JohnnyMagma
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