Friday, October 1, 2010

So You Wanna Be A Rap Star?

Photo: Forbes

So I checked out the Forbes/Billboard Top 20 Artists Article and dang, Hip-hop Greats in 2009 grossed over $300mil! I see why so many people want to hop into the rap game. But of course my over analytical self wanted to dive deeper and see how Hip-hop ranks as an overall business and was quite surprised. The Top 20 Hip-hop greats barely ranked in the Top 250 of American CEOs (Forbes Magazine) when compared side by side. Hell, Jay-Z, who topped the list at $63mil, didn't even make Top 20 of overall Celebs. Pretty shocking

Other Interesting Forbes Facts:

1) Oprah Winfrey Grossed $315million BY HER SELF!!! That woman is an absolute monster. I mean, I always knew she had money but when you put it in the perspective of: If Oprah wanted to, she could literally BUY Hip-hop... it's just makes an unfathomable amount of money very real. She's got enough money to buy every US Citizen a McDouble... and still get a Foot long from Subway. (Pay your own Sales Tax though, you know how Oprah do)

2) Rich vs. Wealthy. Confused? Let me explain... How I see it, Rich is very attainable for the average Joe by simple luck. But, if you aspire to only be rich; plan on being broke shortly thereafter! MC Hammer WAS rich, as was Vanilla Ice and even MIMS (for that good 6months). Unfortunately, the uneducated tend to acquire mass amounts of Liquid Assets (Cash, Diamonds, Chains etc) instead of Long Term Equities. (These are basic business terms, if you don't know them then you WILL NOT make it in "the Biz").

To put it in monetary terms what the difference is... the top 6 Hip-hop earners of 2009 grossed $167million while: Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, John Lennon & Jimi Hendrix totaled $168million last year... No, that's not a misprint, LAST YEAR!!! That's the difference between being rich & being wealthy. Own property, own a business, own YOURSELF. If you are sending out your creative works which aren't Copyrighted, registered with ASCAP, Trademarked, etc. then expect to get G'd, it'll soften the blow once it happens.

Being rich only lasts a lifetime while wealth will stretch through generations.
3) The Top 20 Hip-hop greats have averaged $15mil each ($75mil total) over the last 5 years; while William C Weldon, CEO of Johnson & Johnson who started as a Sales Rep with a Biology Degree, has made more at $78mil (NOT including the $26mil in stocks he also owns in the company).

Ivan G. Seidenberg, Verizon CEO, started his climb up the "Corporate Ladder" being a Cable Splicer's Assistant and now makes as much as Diddy without having to dance in every Verizon commercial or flee clubs after his coworkers have shot someone in the face (not to mention he also owns $57mil more in stocks).

The common thread? Education, Hard Work & Determination. For some odd reason people who have lyrical skills (or THINK they have them) think rap and education are mutually exclusive. Where this came from, I do not know, but reverse your logic. How can learning about worldly issues, expanding your vocabulary, working closely with your demographic, understanding how to write/negotiate contracts and gaining real life experience hurt your career? Build a strong foundation from the ground up or at least have a backup plan because you WILL crumble.

I guess the bottom line is... GET TO WORK!!! Being a celeb is a job, just like everything else. There is no easy way to get the elusive "American Dream". So before encouraging a friend or your children to skip school for a celebrity career of fame and fortune, please, do some research. Realize that they are non-recognizable people worth BILLIONS more than your favorite celeb to dance to in the club.

Educate Yourself before you Dedicate Yourself. Can You Hear me now? GOOD
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless

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