Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New York Going Crazy ...

By @MzFilterless

Where are all my fellow Daily News readers? Have you read the papers this week? Article after article, one more heart breaking then the next. Each one proving my point on how important respect and communication are in a relationship. All across New York, it seems like you're either battling bedbugs or trying to avoid murder.

The first article was about a now heartsick father of a slain 2 year old boy in Brooklyn. After seeing his kid, just last weekend, running around and dancing like any normal 2 year old, Ameen Foster received that phone call every parent fears. To his surprise, the new boyfriend of the child's mother (whom Davis was unaware was living with his son), had beat the little boy to death. To know that this innocent and adorable child was killed over not reciting his ABC's is insanity to me. Now, I blame the mother 120%. A child's mind is impressionable enough, why do you already have another man around your 2 year old son in the first place? You can't tell me that woman saw no signs of an abusive personality. I can assure you, based on any sociopaths profile, that if a man had enough balls to strike a 2 year old with that type of force, he's without a doubt gone upside her head before too! My deepest condolences and continued prayers go out to this father and family.

Next, we have the continued coverage of Donna Cobb, the Harlem nurse who killed her abusive, drug addict  husband with a knife and a ceramic statue! I honestly don't know how to feel about this case. Trust me, I feel her on killing him for beating her like a throw rug for the last 10 years, BUT, she now left their 6 children fatherless! Why? She can never replace their father. This is what I mean when I said know yourself and your spouse. If you've been with a man for ten years and he's been beating you since year two ... I have to ask two questions. Why the hell did you marry him and why did you proceed to have children with him, (especially 6 of them)  knowing he ain't going to change? After year five, you truly know he's not going to change! There is definitely information missing from this story and I hope for the sake of her children she exposes that truth during her trial. It'd be a damn shame to see six more children caught in the system cuz their mother thought it would be easier to kill their father instead of just growing her backbone to divorce him. Now you're kids may be without both parents! Did you ever think of that? Or just yourself?

This week was filled with stories like this. If it wasn't murder, it was bedbugs, or suicides. New Yorkers ... get yourselves together! Last week, a little Brooklyn girl became 50Gs richer because she can text with lightning speed ... this week, another Brooklyn child got his life taken with lightning speed. Did I miss the part where we focus on the education of these kids? Nope, I didn't, everyone is too focused on the broadcasting the bad to even try to find a solution to things that could avoid these tragedies. If budget cuts didn't shut down Brooklyn daycare facilities, maybe that child would have had a safe place to go during the day!

Original Article on my blog
Picture Source: Google Images
New Source: The Daily News

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