Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Making Love And Having Sex: Theres a Difference

By @Urnotcute

Making love has a high level of Caring, Understanding, Passion, Desire, and need to fully satisfy both people which may take hours before both are completed.

Sex you can have with anyone. If you have no Love between the two involved, it’s just having sex. There's no connection, just physical pleasure with no mutual emotional connection.

A young lady named Samantha said: I used to think there wasn’t a difference, but that was because I was only having sex and had no emotional connection with any of the guys I slept with. Now that I’m with my boyfriend whom I love dearly, I can see how drastic the difference is. Since I care about him so much, the sex is even better, more meaningful, and just overall amazing. Plus, the look in his eyes when we’re in the heat of the moment and then tells me he loves me makes it even better.

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