Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Beat Me?

by @Urnotcute

I've always heard adults say if you don't beat your children you don't love them. To me you can never get your point a cross to your child by beating them in such a harsh manner. I understand discipline but when is the line drawn? I remember when I used to get spanked. I hated my parents right away. I truly believe if I had never gotten those spankings, my parents and I would be closer. Sometimes parents don't know where to draw the line with discipline. That is why some children end up looking like this after a beating:

A child is suppose to love their parents. A child is suppose to look up to their parents. A child is suppose to feel like they can tell their parents anything. A child should not have to fear their parents.

A Mother states:
I have a 19 yr old in College, never had to beat him, always respectful. I also have a 15 yr old that I’ve never beat preparing for college, and a 10 yr old who wants to become a doctor. What works for you, works for you, but not everyone and not every child needs that type of physical discipline. My whole family believed in beatings, I didn't. They were always surprised with how my children behaved, yet they beat theirs and still had to tell them to sit down 50 times. I am strict. We have rules.

Use Beating only if its NECESSARY.

Edited By: @JohnnyMagma

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