One of the worst feelings in the universe is the suspicion that the man you are in love with is seeing another woman. Despite this awful feeling, you must keep cool because you never truly know until you have tangible proof. However, if you are unsure, here are some signs you can go by if you suspect that he is cheating.
Patterns of Inconsistency – For example, he could have told you he was out with one of his guy friends, later you find out that same guy friend was not even in town. Cheaters have trouble keeping straight stories.
Less sex – The amount of times you have sex in a week or even a month has decreased drastically. You feel less of a sense of connection and when you do have sex, he doesn’t seem as into it and his mind seems to be somewhere else.
Hidden Things – He no longer leaves his phone in the open where it could possibly be reached by you, or he turns it off when he is with you. If you happen to see his phone you notice all calls are erased or all text messages are erased. This is one of the best ways to catch a cheater.
He Gets Extremely Defensive – You ask him a simple question, and he gets aggressive and defensive. This usually means he has something to hide.
He Accuses You – When someone feels guilty, they usually try to turn the focus off of them and more onto you. If he accuses you and becomes overprotective or jealous, this is another sign of unfaithfulness.
He Doesn’t Take You Out Anymore – Whether to the movies, dinner, or even work functions, this is not a good sign.
Suspicious Friends – All of a sudden friends come out of nowhere. Friends you have never met, seen, or heard of. This is not good.
Mood Swings – These mood swings can be cause by the internal conflict and struggle by his acts of infidelity. Pay close attention for this.
He Has Cheated Before – It is very rare for a past cheater to change his ways. Second chances usually never matter because it would take a lot for a past cheater to change his ways. If he has done it once, he’ll do it again
Let these signs help you if you are suspicious, but don’t accuse him if you are not sure. No faithful man wants to be accused, this can sometimes cause a faithful man to start cheating because he figures that you think is he cheating regardless.
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