Some people think that being racist is only viewing a race negatively. What about puttin’ a race on a pedestal, even if it's done subconsciously? Most, if not all of us, do this on the regular and don't even notice it. But just being born a white kid, you're already at an advantage in the community and you did nothing to get it. Vice versa, minorities are at a disadvantage. Lemme explain my thoughts…
A white person can basically move to pretty much any neighborhood and not have the fear of some people reacting negatively towards them. They can go shopping and not have the feeling that all eyes are on them. White people don't have to make their children aware of the discriminations that may exist against them, because, for the most part, discriminations against white people don't really exist like that! A simple example; people talking with a mouthful of food. Sounds stupid right? But picture being at the mall, just chillin at the food court. There could be a group of white people in full conversation, all of which are blabbin away with food in their mouth. The most anyone would do is laugh at their lack of table manners. Let that be being a minority doing it, maybe even me, and listen to the adlibs change. You hear comments like, "look at this uneducated (ignorant) guy!" They [white people] can wear whatever they want to, almost anywhere they want to, without having to think about what people gonna say about them. A white person gets a position of power and the rest of the office doesn't seem surprised. But, when a minority gets that same promotion and it's a wave of “wow, what an accomplishment,” throughout the office. If a cop pulls them [white people] over they dont have any reason to believe it's because of their skin color. They can ask to “speak to a manager” in stores, and 9x out of 10 its probably someone of their skin color.
Another stupid thing, they can buy picture frames, and the model people in the frame are always what ? … caucasian. They can be late without having it associated with their race. How many times have I been late and people go, “Gabe runs on 'Dominican time,' ” meaning what exactly ? that Dominicans are always late ? I guess so. *shrug*
I can go on for days with common examples. But am I being racist? I dont think so, but maybe I have a bias opinion because of my own experiences. Regardless of the fact you can't say anything I just said ain't true. I'm Dominican and I read all of those things and think about if I did it, how would people react.
It's nothing against the white race because as I stated it's nothing they worked to get. They were born with The “White Privilege.”Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
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