Written by: @DreamAboutAlise
One inevitable emotion we will go through in excessive amounts in our lives, is anger. Most of us try to deny the fact that certain things make us mad with statements such as, “I really don’t give a f***,” “I don’t care,” “That doesn’t bother me,” or the classic, “Oh, you’re just a hater.” These commonly abused statements may feel pretty honest in the heat of the moment, but the truth is if you are using these words, you’re most likely really pissed off!
The effects of experiencing anger are extremely negative. They can result in stress, problems in families, relationship issues, alcoholism, drug abuse and in extreme cases; suicide. Being able to reduce your anger is a difficult skill to master because you need to know how you think as a person, what makes you angry, and you also need to understand the person who may have made you angry and why it cause you to feel anger.
A big thing about anger is that most of it is caused by misunderstandings. Sometimes we need to completely understand what is going on before we let it anger us. Assumptions, accusations and misunderstandings are common causes to anger. Relationships can be a big example because some people become angry about something before they know the facts. A girlfriend might see a text or a means of communication from another female, come to assumptions and conclusions, get angry first and THEN ask her boyfriend. The boyfriend then becomes mad because he has been accused of something he didn’t do. Now they are both mad. This is an example of how many breakups happen. We are quick to get angry over something we don’t even know about.
How can we prevent anger? The quote that helps me the most if from the bible – “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” This helps me in all situations. Ask questions before assuming, let the person explain him/herself, get a complete understanding of the situation before becoming angered.
We all have a little psycho in us, but let’s learn to control it.
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
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