It's great but hurts like hell when it's gone.
I want it back and next time hope it's for good.
The first time I feel in love all I could say was "Wow!"
Back then it made no sense to me at all. Feeling strange all the time. Thinking of a person more than usual just because you couldn't get them off your mind. Feeling empty when they were not around or haven't talked to them in a while. Always vulnerable to your heart breaking at any moment if the person acted like you didn't exsist. Those were some of the feelings of my younger days on the subject of love.
Growing up and learning a few things here and there. Regardless if it was good times or rough having money or none at all didn't change how love affected my heart. Still feeling a great amount of emotions when involved with that special someone. To this day love, as a whole, is a mystery to me but I have figured out some parts such as what it means to me, and what it can do to a person. When you first experience love, it can hit you hard and change your outlook on life. It can even be addicting to some in the sense that they don't know how to let go of a lost love. Learning how to move on and be patient for the next time it comes your way.
When I fell in love the second time, I thought it was something sent from heaven. Everything seemed so right. We were totally compatible in so many ways.
Did random fun things all the time to keep things interesting. We had married couples
look at us and say how do you guys do it; stay happy and love each other so much without
getting tired of each other? I had no idea and I'm sure she didn't either. But we were 2 young adults living a healthy successful life with love in the picture. We worked out many issues through talking because we felt that was they best way to get through things involving the heart and things on our minds that weren't clicking with each other. Of course like any other normal couple, we almost made the mistake of leaving each other when times got rough we realized after all we had been through and saw each other through, it was worth standing by each other once again. And we did and it made our love for each other stronger.
The best part of love is knowing that someone else has deep feelings for you and would do almost anything for you without question. Knowing you can keep it real with them without being judged like you are in mass society. Another aspect of great importance was the love making. Yes love making not just wam bam n keep it moving sex. If you have made love before you know how it feels. Looking deeply into their eyes, holding each other close, grinding it out with each other slowly so you feel each thrust and squeeze. Kissing, expressing without words how much u care about them during sex felt great to me and I'm sure it does for those who get to experience it.
This lady had me thinking I was in heaven every time we touched. We were two of the same
kind. Certified freaks with a passion for sex. And even better love making. We were always on that Karma Sutra tip. Doing all kind of wild moves and positions. Even making some up along the way. How love played a part in it was that we knew when we wanted to have sex and when to make love without asking the other for it.
I'll tell it like this. After you have had years of outgoing fun with someone you care a lot about you learn things about yourself. You learn what it's like to make someone else happy by sharing your love with them on a daily basis. You know you don't need anything in return except for them to just be there with you to share the moments that pass by whether good or bad. Because they make you happy regardless of what they can do or buy you to make you feel better.
Losing all of that at once nearly took my life into hell on earth. All that love gone after all those years felt like I was dying slowly inside. It was hard to sleep at night, I couldn't function normally with daily routines. Constantly just wishing they would appear at my doorstep and say "I love you, let's start over." But that never came. A love was lost and we both had to move on. Not an easy task but its necessary for you to keep your life moving and endure to the next step.
It taught me a lot. Only being in love a few times can do that when you know it was real
from experience. Love is great, emotional, healthy, spiritual, sexy & necessary for our
hearts at some point in life. The wise say "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."
Let love teach you not control you.
Let love heal you not destroy you.
Let love free you not imprison you.
Let love find you, don't search for it, yo'll always search in the wrong places.
Let love be a desire not a confused lust for affection.
Let love change your life for the better and share it with the world.
Don't let love slip away too easy.
Edited By @MzFilterless
Source: Google Images
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