Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Thoughts on Racism...RIP Anthony Hill

Have you heard of this hate crime? A young black African-American male, shot in the head and dragged down the street by a truck (and suspect). When I heard about this my heart dropped. I'll never understand the hate that consumes an individual so much to the point that they would take that hate out on others, ending their lives. People refuse to open their minds, causing them to hate other people and the things that they fail to understand. OPEN YOUR MIND, OPEN YOUR HEARTS AND LETS LEARN FROM ONE ANOTHER AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Yes we live upon such a great Earth in size, but honestly ... there is no room for hate. Hate leads to the destruction of self & others. STOP THE VIOLENCE, END THIS HATE ... RIP Anthony Hill.

For more info on this tragic happening ... please check out the video below.

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