“Keeping it real”, we all remember the Dave Chappelle skit where keeping it real goes wrong, where he's making fun of people that seem to say they always keep it real. But in all honestly, some people don’t really know the essence of the phrase. Keeping it real is basically just another way of saying things EXACLY how it really is and not sugar-coating it. This is important in any relationship, whether it be your friend, your girlfriend or just anyone that you keep close to you.
Personally, I feel that some relationships go sour because one person in the relationship or even both don't keep it real with each other. The problem with one person being real is that the other person feels attacked in a way. You can either agree or disagree but that's just how I view things. You always hear that there has to be communication in a relationship but no one really talks about what kind of communication it is. Isn't it obvious? Be real with them, if you feel something is wrong, or even if something is going great, tell them how you're loving/hating it, or in another case how it's bothering you. They're your partner for a reason, try and resolve it. I'm not here tryna be on no Dr. Phil tip, I'm just “keeping it real.” On the other hand, if both people don't say nothing to each other then their relationship is based on lies because we all know if you keep something from someone that is a form is lying, (it's called omission, for those who didn't know.)
But keeping it real is not just with your significant other, its also with people you keep close to you; like your friends and family. There’s been situations where friends of mine be doing the dumbest things in the world and I tell them about it, to benefit them. Because a true friend looks out for your best interest, not their own. But you also have to view it through their eyes cuz sometimes what you define as dumb, is not dumb to them. So when I speak about the importance of keeping it real, it's also when to voice your opinion and when to hold back and wait for your moment. Some people are hardheaded and we know this lol. But you gotta be your friends’ crutches sometimes and hold them up, just like you’d want them to hold you up. It's as simple as not letting them go down a road you might've gone down or just telling them, “nah that outfit ain't lookin right, change.”
Keeping it real doesn't have to be difficult, but some people make it out to be.
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
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