it seems nowadays that everyone wants to associate themselves with people who keep it "real" or basically people who dont BS or sugarcoat things. The sad fact is that most people can't accept the truth at all, and even worse, they complain about it. Why request something that you cant handle? An answer I hear often is that you're "too brutally honest". Let's get this straight right now: there is NO such thing as being "too" honest. The truth is the truth no matter what way you put it, you can't ask for someones honest feelings or opinion about something, then get mad when their answer isn't what you wanted to hear. THE TRUTH HURTS. If you have a hard time listening to peoples feelings, or you think everyone should say things that will boost your head, you have a HARD life ahead of you. Especially when it comes to women always looking for a "real" dude, but when they have one, they don't appreciate his honesty and claim it's him "not caring about my feelings". The truth about the truth is that most people can't handle it, so they lie to cover up their true emotions. Lets bring the truth back with NO exceptions!!
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
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