Over the past couple of weeks I have been noticing some strange activities happening with my Twitter.
The main one being, the mass amount of people unfollowing me because of 1 dumb tweet.
So the question I have is: What exactly gives someone the right to unfollow someone, especially someone
who has followed them back?
Everyone knows it is common Twitter courtesy to follow back those that follow you, but does 1 sour tweet give you the right to
break that mutuality and unfollow, or even block someone? In my opinion, no, it doesn't. You do not know a person completely
from 1 tweet. You cannot define whether you like that person as a whole or not, from 1 tweet. Don't get me wrong, there are
certain situations where 1 tweet could be all you need to know about someone to know you would no longer like to follow them.
Something you strongly disagree with, such as "Hail Satan" or "All gay people are going to hell", could trigger you to unfollow/block
or initiate 'Twitter Drama'. That, I can agree with. But when someone tweets "At the mall", and you automatically assume this person
is full of stupid and pointless tweets, well that's just plain stupid. Yes, some, even most people will not Tweet up to your expectations, but
that shouldn't cause you to blow things out of proportion and go around abusing the 'block' button.
Now, read this carefully, especially for you people that constantly talk about 'Twitter is NOT that serious" and what not. Please, save me
the petty ignorance. Honestly, I believe people say this because they want their followers to assume they live this great and magnificent
life and have no real need for Twitter. Well let me tell you something, although you may disagree, I do believe Twitter IS that serious.
Why? Well take a second to think about it. Twitter is an instant way to release your thoughts, ideas, opinions, original quotes, etc. If you tweet with substance, and see people loving your original ideas, that gives you a feeling of self confidence, and almost inspires you to continue posting your deep quotes or even comical tweets. You may even start to feel pretty good about yourself, knowing something you wrote could have completely turned a complete stranger's day, for the better. On the other hand, if people disagree or always dislike what you have to say, well then obviously you have a personal problem you need to resolve, and Twitter might not be the place for you, as people can be relentless when it comes to telling you what they really think, straight up.
People want juicy tweets, that's what attracts someone into viewing your profile, and maybe even following you for more. People want to read fresh ideas with strong positive energy. This applies to whether your ideas be comical, or sensitive.
Now this brings me back to my question. What gives someone the right to unfollow you? What gives you the right to unfollow someone else?
Well although I am sure some of you could think of more, I myself came up with 3 different answers.
1. That person unfollowed you first. Most of us are not celebrities, do not expect anyone to be your 'fan' or care about you, when you can't even show a little love in return.
2. If you do not communicate and respond to your followers, you don't really give them a reason to follow you. (Unless your tweets are genius of course). A lot of people look to communicate and network with others from around the word. Remember, communication is key!
3. Spam/Pointless/Depressive/Rude tweets.
-Basically anyone that posts nothing but crap like: 'breathing' or useless links.
-This also includes those people who post a sad tweet, after sad tweet, after sad tweet. Okay, we get it, your life sucks. Can we move on now?
-RUDE PEOPLE. Personally, I dislike having to read crap about someone who does nothing but make fun and judge others all day. Commonly cursing and just spreading hate. Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first to drop the 'F' bomb in a conversation, just because cursing makes everything funnier. But there IS a line. Find it, do not cross it, and all will be chill.
And last but not least those who tweet about their sexual frustrations 24/7. Look, we understand you're lonely, but guess what? Nobody cares.
Like I said, there are TONS of other reason why you might unfollow someone, but these 3 reasons are the ones I found to be some of the most common.
These are indeed my personal thoughts, and I'm sure you all might not agree with them. IF that is the case, feel free to keep it to yourself, because I do not care. :)
Picture source: Google.com
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
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