Anyone that knows me knows that I travel... A LOT. While out, I come into contact with lots of different people of all age ranges, races and creeds; I’m sad to say the African- Americans, generally speaking, are some of the worst parents I've seen in this current generation (1980's - 2010).
Now please don't take this as race bashing, or call me a "sellout" for speaking the truth. This is what I see with my own eyes, this is just my experience. I've personally NEVER seen any other race of people curse around/at their young children; I’m sure it happens, but I've never seen it. What the hell is so twisted in your dome that you cursing out a 5-year-old in public because they're doing something annoying? They are TODDLERS! If you're mad at the way they act while you are out and about, maybe you should be angry at yourself for how you've inadvertently taught them to behave. When I see kids getting cursed at I have the urge to call child services and beat the parent with a pillow-case full of hardcover parenting books. I feel sad for the kid and the future failed relationships they will endure because of how you are showing them to deal with issues (with loud, disrespectful, ghetto banter). We HAVE to do better people. If you are of another race please don't think you are exempt for all of the same violations, just because I don't see it personally doesn't mean I'm naive to its existence.
You have to realize that later in life that will hurt them socially, if you find it hard to see the correlation. Think about that horribly angry, violent, ghetto relationship you've seen/had (everyone has) ... that's the EXACT type of person they will become because of you.
P.S. Just because people don't have kids doesn't mean we don't share your frustration, at least you CAN discipline them. I can't pop and counsel every annoying child I come in contact with ... but I can trip them while they're running all over the dame place, accidently of course.
Take the advice and strive for your child to live better than you, don't repeat the cycles that caused some of your downfalls just because you had to live through them. Quit being bitter and be better.
One Yaself, Twice, I'm Gizzone
Written By @JohnnyMagma
Edited By @Charisma_Monroe
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