Saturday, August 7, 2010

Unwritten Man Laws

Just like we have laws in society to keep things in order, there are laws to being a man that men should abide by. They aren't written down anywhere,just programed into our heads at birth. Lol

Here’s a few:

1. When in the restroom, thou shall leave one urinal in between each person. If not, that's gay.

2. Thou shall NOT borrow your friend's clothes; that's gay.

3. Thou shall not say "hi" nor "bye" when talking to your boy; that's gay. Say "wattup" and "peace".

4. Thou shall not ever touch a female your friend ever had strong feelings for; that's f*cked up.

5. Thou shall not poke another dude on facebook; that's gay.

6. Thou shall not add another dude on facebook that you don't know; that's gay.

7. Thou shall not blow up your boy's spot when he's mackin'. That's f*cked up.

8. Thou shall not send smiley faces while texting another dude; that's gay.

9. Thou shall wingman when necessary; that's just the way it is.

10. If you are not talking about a girl or a baby, thou shall not claim something is “cute; that's gay.

(Edited by Shannon - @sprinkles__)

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