No matter how well it ends, a break-up is no fun. Dumper or dumpee, fact is, there will always be pain, sadness, and anger as a result. With today’s technology getting over an ex may feel like mission impossible. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter make it extremely difficult to move on. You are daily, even hourly, reminded of that person. Texting is so impersonal and vague that it makes for easy contact with a lot of room for confusion and mixed emotions. If you don’t address the problem, it’s not just magically going to go away.
Rule 1: Block him/her on Facebook. Seeing your former tagged in pictures with his/her arm around someone else is the last thing you want to see. You may also become obsessive and read into that person’s status more than need be. While you’re at home thinking “Wow, she’s updating her status at 3AM probably after going out and flirting with a bunch of guys,” for all you know, she could’ve just been pulling an all nighter. Deleting your ex may be a bit much. Assuming that the break was not a complete bust, you can always go back into your privacy settings and unblock him/her when you’ve learned to be just friends.
Rule 2: Don’t put your business out for the world to see. After you passed the crying stage you get into a pissed off stage. You want to show your ex that you’ve moved on and you can do better right? NO, WRONG. Uploading compromising pictures and tweeting “Can’t wait for my sexy date tonight!” is actually keeping you in your old relationship. It is easy to fool yourself into thinking you’re moving on by publicizing how great your life is, but if you’re doing it with intentions for your ex or his/her friends to see, you’re clearly still trying to hold onto something. Besides, you’ll feel dumb about it afterwards and odds are, you’re preaching to people who probably don’t care.
Rule 3: Do NOT text him/her. At some point we all start missing that person. After awhile you forget why you broke up in the first place or those reasons no longer feel like such a big deal anymore. It is super easy to quickly send an “I miss you” text, but as soon as you hit the send button, you regret it. Now you must deal with the consequences; None of which are going to be good. If you don’t get a response, that in itself pisses you off. If you do get a response, you’ll obsess over it especially now that you have it archived and can read it over and over again. You may even get upset that the reply wasn’t as enthusiastic as you had hoped for. Avoid all that by not sending that text in the first place. (I don’t care how tipsy you area) Now what do you do if your ex texts you? Depends on the message of course, just keep in mind that you want to be friendly but not inviting more.
Without a doubt you will be thinking of that person post-break-up. These are just a few tips to keep you from overly obsessing. Moving on really does take time. You also have to willingly try to move on though.
Edited By Jo Anne @MzFilterless
Picture Source : Google Images
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