Friday, September 17, 2010

Wisdom Pages: Authentic or Full of It?

By: @butterfliesblue

Many of us that are on Twitter like to follow different pages because of how inspirational they are or how some people find them as insightful . Many of these pages even help people to understand love a little more. Some times it seems as though they just so happen to say the right thing at the right time. Other times they can get annoying especially when about fifty of the people that you follow retweet these pages. The pages that I see retweeted the most are @TheSingleWoman, @RevRunWisdom, @zodiacfacts and @thelovestories.

Now I'm not knocking pages like these because personally I like to follow @drtiffanybrown and @mulahtruth because of how these pages speak the truth in an unbiased way. If we are all honest and use common sense then we should be able to determine whether or not many of these "facts" are true. For example, Rev Run doesn't even follow his own family on Twitter, so how can we take what he says as truth. I must confess that I have retweeted him a couple of times because he's made some valid points; however the other 85% seems to be something from Dr. Seuss

And to all of these Zodiac pages, have you all actually taken the time to sit back and realize that half of the things for your "sign" doesn't apply to you, but every other sign does? Also, do you actually think that the solar system can determine your fate based on the day you were born? By no means am I telling you to unfollow or follow someone based on my opinion because opinions aren't facts. I'm just suggesting that you think about why are you following these pages, and start using common sense before you flood others' timelines with retweets.

Images from Google
Edited By: @JohnnyMagma

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