By: @NahREWINDatShi_
How many of you think drugs are bad?
Ecstasy, Heroin, Marijuana, Methamphetamines etc… but What about over the counter Aspirin that you can buy at any Gas Station or Corner Store?
Drug: any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.
Anything from Nyquil and Benadryl to Morphine are labeled as Drugs. Do you still think drugs are bad? “Drugs are bad” is a misconceived notion, because If it were true, then so is insulin used to regulate the sugar levels of a diabetic patient. I don’t know about you… but somewhere, someone’s grandfather has a failed pancreas and he needs those insulin shots. His life depends on it.
And, what exactly is the point, here? We have all been given the right to choose our poison. Everyone’s poison is not the same. For some people, it’s high cholesterol foods saturated in fatty acids. You think food can’t be detrimental? Tell that to a morbidly obese 35 year old man who suffers from a heart attack.
What’s the Point? Drug use is not the real problem, Drug Abuse is.
An Example:
The demographics of cocaine users tend to be… middle to upper class people. So If you’re on minimum wage and using your months rent to get your next high… then your priorities are in disarray. That’s drug abuse. The point where a habit of personal preference effects other aspects in your life in adversely. You’re sniffing your third line but you have no food in your refrigerator to feed your kids? Come On Now
Some talk about the Health Hazards of illegal drugs, but What about the harmful effects of drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes on those same people? Even illegal drugs have their directions on proper use, albeit unwritten, All one has to do is follow them in a self-regulated manner.
Personally, I think illegal drugs were deemed unfavorable thanks to fiends. He/She squandered their last bit of change, neglected their family, duties, responsibilities and well-being just for the drug. Granted the Dependency, Addiction, and Overdose risks exist but Haven’t you ever heard, “too much of anything is bad for you”? The same rules of proper self-control and self-discipline apply to drug use as in any other Substance or Activity. Now of course some drugs are a lot more powerful and even more addictive then others, but why wouldn’t ANYTHING that causes a sense of euphoria in the user. Overdose? Forget about that. Though it’s a serious problem, there’s ALWAYS a risk with drugs and one should know when not to over-step boundaries. Remember, one can fatally overdose on doctor prescribed pain-killers too.
Society’s issue is with the actions of the fiend but use the Recreational Drug as a scapegoat. There are very successful people, past and present, who do/did drugs, whether we choose to believe it or not. I’m not here to debate about the moral or legal issues concerning drug use or the means in which they are made available, NO ONE should be forcing anyone to pick up a drug habit. But the simple truth is that Drug use is not the same as drug abuse, Promote People to Control Their Actions. There are risks, either be prepared to deal with them or don’t do it.
Edited By: @JohnnyMagma
Edited By: @JohnnyMagma
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