Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are You Really In Love?

There's a difference between loving someone and being IN love with someone. When you love someone, you care about them and you want only the best for them.When you are in love someone, you can not imagine your life without them, they make you complete.You can love many people in different ways all at the same time but you are only IN love with one person at a time.

On the other hand, Loving someone means wishing the best for them no matter what. It involves a commitment that goes beyond feelings. You can love someone so much that you let them go after others, if you feel that’s what’s best for them. Love is something like intuition, You choose to love someone. Love is really strong because the point of it is to do so in sickness and in health, good times and in bad, for better or for worse, when rich and when poor… You love because you decide it is love. When you’re angry at each other the “Love” is proven. You know you LOVE him/her if you would die for him/her. That is if it is REAL love. If you’re talking about childish love, the “love” that is all about yourself and what you want and what you FEEL is right. That may be what you are experiencing.

Image Source: Google Images

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